I have writing friends that think that they have to be writing all the time. I think of the days that I don't write as resting. One of my favorite writing mentors has been Julia Cameron and she calls it "resting on the page" in her book, the Artist's Way. Because of Julia's philosophy I no longer put pressure on myself and consider it as play. Some days a line of a poem will surface and I will come back to it days later. My inspiration is my life and creativity is all around me. Sometimes it sprouts with a line from a favorite movie or when I'm playing with art around Sunsetta or listening to Bill's latest creative endeavor in song. Sometimes it's rising with the first bird taking delight in its sing song call. In other times it may be an inanimate object around my home like an angel or favorite stone. It could be my first taste of coffee on willing tongue as I think about my dreams I just had during sleep. It could be anything because inspiration is, indeed, everywhere and I am catching it with my pen! The enemy to creativity is too much pressure.. Allow yourself to be a beginner as Julia Cameron says, and come play with me!
Brushing on the Joy
Kimberly A. Cavanagh