This is the reason for my smile...
This is the reason I dress up, show up at the page, and perform my poetry. This reason alone, is why I continue to work on more books, believing in Hope against all odds, because I know that God is good all of the time.
I have survived and continue to live to tell the tale another day. For this I am eternally grateful and thankful that I am blessed and have been blessed since the day I was conceived.
All of the things I write are not fictional, but truth pours out from pen to page. The blank page is my mirror and has been my most loyal friend through every single and plural thing, because I have been blessed with the power of the Holy Spirit.
When I wrote Haunting Lucidity and published it, that was the most daring thing I could have ever done. I was telling the world about the ways in which I survived, what I survived, and to let others know that in this world there is really only one life you can save....and that is your own.
I do not take anything for granted. This is the reason I dress up in a blue sparkling dress for no apparent reason. This is the reason I eat off of fine china in my every day life. I don't save things for special occasions because being alive everyday IS the special occasion. There is no time like the present.
I especially don't take relationships lightly. We are all here for a season and a reason. If we are lucky, we get to pass in and out of relationships more than once in our lifetimes on this earth. This is how we learn. Through each other. We weave inextricably into and out of eachother's lives and learn things through relationship. Relationship with self, relationship with God, and relationship with others.
This is the reason for my smile...