It's February 11th today and I am coming to the page with a renewed sense of joy! My mother is in the living room watching one of her favorite shows, Sunsetta is sleeping in, and I have just attended church online with Tracey Koss leading worship today. It was all about LOVE my most favorite subject of all. Love in the purest form, Christ's Love.
I have loved all of my life, loved hard, often been a fool for love, risking heart ache and heart break, been love sick, you name it. I have loved everybody with full heart even those I have had to forgive I had to do the work to be able to love them again. I am not a stranger to love. This willingness to risk vulnerability is courageous. It is mindful and purposeful for me. I do it in the name of what I call, "Big Love".
Now I come to the page time and time again to appear on the page with a torch of Hope and Love for myself. I am giving myself the time I need to renew my sense of Joy! This year 2024 is going to be a good year for me I foresee. It is time for me to let go of the tight grip and control I've had on my life and it's time for me to begin to enjoy the ride. It's been "beauty in the chaos" for so long now....I am ready to surrender the chaos part, giving it to God. I feel that at this time in my life things don't have to be this hard. I have done so much inner work, outer work, and now may be the time for me to just let it "flow"....let my creative juices flow and reap the benefits of the fruit of my spirit.