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Inspiration is Everywhere~Catch it with your pen!

Kimberly A. Cavanagh

I have a love/hate relationship with technological advances and social media, however sometimes you read something encouraging there too that propels you to move forward and keep on keeping on... This is what I experienced upon my usual awakening at 3:00 am. The light does shine on what you pay attention to and I keep this in mind as I scroll and look for connection in this disconnected and often fragemented world.

It was someone who said, "I love the energy that Kim Cavanagh brings to this world." This statement made my heart and very soul swell with continued Hope that I do in fact still make a difference in the world around me and I am finding that my circle of influence is larger than I think at times. As a writer this is the biggest gift I can give and receive.

I wholeheartedly believe that inspiration is everywhere and from an early age I learned how to catch it with my pen. From pen to page is my preferred method of thinking, processing, and gaining guidance, however I am learning slowly how to use the computer and social media to spread my inspiration ideation as well.

I recently had a conversation with someone I consider to be a hero that went something like this... You don't often know if you are making a difference in someone's life unless they tell you...

So I encourage you to let those who have and continue to make a difference in your life know it! Write them a letter, give them a phone call....Do something to let that person or people know it. In this alone/together kind of world that we are experiencing, this could really make a difference and start the kind of chain reaction we all want to experience.

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Kimberly A. Cavanagh
Nov 14, 2020

Hi Kim Smith,

It's great to know others are finding delight in sharing with their neighbors in this difficult time. I also have a cat named Luna who has blessed us with an abundance of love. We saved her from the cold outdoors and she follows me around the house and prompts me to rest and snuggle with her as I need it to rest my legs. When I'm writing she is around too at my side. She is what one of my friends have termed a God-oincedence. :)

Thanks for reminding me of the love that we share.


Nov 10, 2020

Hi Kim,

I also bake goodies and share with those that live in the apartments nearby. I make banana nut muffins, cupcakes, and peanut butter blossoms. I also receive some awesome meals as a thank you. It has definitely helped to get through this pandemic.

My new cat, Ember is a true joy when I need a good laugh. She loves her bags and plays soccer with her balls. Sleeping can be difficult when she pounces on my feet. I'm trying to lie very still.

Thank you for your insights and I will keep on baking.

Fondly, Kim Smith

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