Thank you Lord Jesus for my life
Thank you Lord Jesus for your Light
Please don't let me be wrapped up in ego
Please don't let me be jealous of how your light
shines through...
Please don't let me take credit for your vehicle
Please let me be...led by you
Please guide my steps
Please let me know who your angels are...
Please let me be comfortable with the truth
Please let me be led by you
Please keep me grounded
Please don't let go of me
Please carry me or
Let me be your "Joan of Arc"
Please don't let me be afraid of the dark
Please show me your miracles
Please Lord Jesus let me be able to
Take your hand and not have to
rely solely on the comfort of man
Please allow me to relish in your glory
Please allow me to develop your gifts that you have given me
Please give me the serenity
in knowing that I am but an instrument of your healing
Please let my vision see clearly
Please allow myself to believe me
I love you Lord Jesus
Thank You