A plethora of pain physically disables me
Yet every inch I move through has its reward
I have to learn how to walk again
Scaly skin irritates the touch
Bruised calve, thigh, and foot
Where purple blood pools
My day is all about self-care and stimulating my mind
It’s hard to look in the mirror
And smile through the level 10 pain
But I wake up and do it again and again
I live on text messages of neighbors
Telling me that I will persevere
My family can hear the times when I just can’t take it anymore
My husband’s impatience calls with persistence for the doctor to refill my pain
Every time it doesn’t hurt to move I hold onto the hope that I will again enjoy
things like walking, cycling, and sex
but first we must get to the basics of bathing, showering, and the cosmetics of
feeling attractive
inside and outside of my own skin
I am thankful for my own life because someone else had it in theirs for
But I am most thankful to all of the doctors, nurses, and people on the surgical team at Lewis County Health Systems who did and do the hard work that needs to be done every day: From the gleam of a dream to a vision to a mission. You are recognized by someone who considers you to be closest to God. It is my hope that reading this touches you in some way. Carry it with you on a bad day for you make the difference every day.