I think about all the skills I’ve developed over a life time that make me a patient mother and spouse in the face of adversities that we’ve faced as a nuclear family. Many would point to my resiliency and applaud me for overcoming a painful past and ask how it is that I haven’t lost hope or my faith in God? How is it that I haven’t passed the intergenerational trauma on?
I think about these “skill sets” I’ve learned over time, some I taught myself, some through formal education, on the job training, and some through the wisdom gained from personal experiences.
Yes, resiliency is important, but it goes beyond that for me. It is reverence that keeps me going. Reverence is a deep respect for someone or something, even exalting one to that of a hero in some cases. It is living in a state of awe.
Some would say I am idealistic and live in a fantasy world, because I do have reverence for life in and of itself, have revered all of my “teachers” both good and bad, and continue to expect miracles on a daily basis. From the moment I awaken, I am looking for God’s signs in my life and I often find them.
It’s not to say that I don’t get tired, weary, or stressed, but I can tell you one thing, I never lose hope or faith in God who prepares a way for me and clothes me with a fervent passion and a yearning and burning to learn even more. I used to say, I am a “Survivor”, I am still learning…Now I can say, I am a Mother, hear me Roar! There is nothing that can separate us from the Love of God and there is nothing I’ve done that is of more importance than having children. In this way, I am in a constant state of awe and I pray that I can pass this legacy on.